Herenegun izan nuen Xtimeline aplikazioaren berri Sustatun. Xtimeline da aplikazio bat antolatzeko historiak, biografiak, etab., modu kronologikoan. Bertan txerta daitezke testuak, argazkiak, audioak eta bideoak. Gustatu, eta probatu egin dut. HUHEZI fakultatearen historia egin dut euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz, eta laster beste bat egingo dut, ingelesez.
Azken bidalketak
Iruzkin berriak
- Marian Gallastegi(e)k Gogoangarria, ez historikoa bidalketan
- Marga Ibañez(e)k Gogoangarria, ez historikoa bidalketan
- Xabier(e)k Hogeita hamar urte berandu bidalketan
- Unai Bergaretxe Leibar(e)k Hogeita hamar urte berandu bidalketan
- Joxe Aranzabal(e)k Udalatx, ura eta atxa bidalketan
- 2025(e)ko urtarrila
- 2024(e)ko abendua
- 2024(e)ko apirila
- 2024(e)ko otsaila
- 2024(e)ko urtarrila
- 2023(e)ko urria
- 2023(e)ko iraila
- 2023(e)ko abuztua
- 2023(e)ko uztaila
- 2023(e)ko maiatza
- 2023(e)ko apirila
- 2023(e)ko martxoa
- 2023(e)ko otsaila
- 2023(e)ko urtarrila
- 2022(e)ko abendua
- 2022(e)ko azaroa
- 2022(e)ko urria
- 2022(e)ko iraila
- 2022(e)ko uztaila
- 2022(e)ko maiatza
- 2022(e)ko apirila
- 2022(e)ko martxoa
- 2022(e)ko otsaila
- 2021(e)ko azaroa
- 2021(e)ko urria
- 2021(e)ko uztaila
- 2021(e)ko ekaina
- 2021(e)ko apirila
- 2021(e)ko martxoa
- 2021(e)ko otsaila
- 2021(e)ko urtarrila
- 2020(e)ko abendua
- 2020(e)ko azaroa
- 2020(e)ko iraila
- 2020(e)ko ekaina
- 2020(e)ko maiatza
- 2020(e)ko apirila
- 2020(e)ko martxoa
- 2020(e)ko otsaila
- 2020(e)ko urtarrila
- 2019(e)ko abendua
- 2019(e)ko azaroa
- 2019(e)ko urria
- 2019(e)ko iraila
- 2019(e)ko abuztua
- 2019(e)ko uztaila
- 2019(e)ko maiatza
- 2019(e)ko apirila
- 2019(e)ko martxoa
- 2019(e)ko otsaila
- 2019(e)ko urtarrila
- 2018(e)ko abendua
- 2018(e)ko azaroa
- 2018(e)ko urria
- 2018(e)ko iraila
- 2018(e)ko abuztua
- 2018(e)ko uztaila
- 2018(e)ko ekaina
- 2018(e)ko maiatza
- 2018(e)ko apirila
- 2018(e)ko martxoa
- 2018(e)ko otsaila
- 2018(e)ko urtarrila
- 2017(e)ko abendua
- 2017(e)ko azaroa
- 2017(e)ko urria
- 2017(e)ko iraila
- 2017(e)ko abuztua
- 2017(e)ko ekaina
- 2017(e)ko maiatza
- 2017(e)ko apirila
- 2017(e)ko martxoa
- 2017(e)ko otsaila
- 2017(e)ko urtarrila
- 2016(e)ko abendua
- 2016(e)ko azaroa
- 2016(e)ko urria
- 2016(e)ko iraila
- 2016(e)ko abuztua
- 2016(e)ko uztaila
- 2016(e)ko ekaina
- 2016(e)ko maiatza
- 2016(e)ko apirila
- 2016(e)ko martxoa
- 2016(e)ko otsaila
- 2016(e)ko urtarrila
- 2015(e)ko abendua
- 2015(e)ko azaroa
- 2015(e)ko urria
- 2015(e)ko iraila
- 2015(e)ko abuztua
- 2015(e)ko uztaila
- 2015(e)ko ekaina
- 2015(e)ko maiatza
- 2015(e)ko apirila
- 2015(e)ko martxoa
- 2015(e)ko otsaila
- 2015(e)ko urtarrila
- 2014(e)ko abendua
- 2014(e)ko azaroa
- 2014(e)ko urria
- 2014(e)ko iraila
- 2014(e)ko abuztua
- 2014(e)ko uztaila
- 2014(e)ko ekaina
- 2014(e)ko maiatza
- 2014(e)ko apirila
- 2014(e)ko martxoa
- 2014(e)ko otsaila
- 2014(e)ko urtarrila
- 2013(e)ko abendua
- 2013(e)ko azaroa
- 2013(e)ko urria
- 2013(e)ko iraila
- 2013(e)ko abuztua
- 2013(e)ko uztaila
- 2013(e)ko ekaina
- 2013(e)ko maiatza
- 2013(e)ko apirila
- 2013(e)ko martxoa
- 2013(e)ko otsaila
- 2013(e)ko urtarrila
- 2012(e)ko abendua
- 2012(e)ko azaroa
- 2012(e)ko urria
- 2012(e)ko iraila
- 2012(e)ko abuztua
- 2012(e)ko uztaila
- 2012(e)ko ekaina
- 2012(e)ko maiatza
- 2012(e)ko apirila
- 2012(e)ko martxoa
- 2012(e)ko otsaila
- 2012(e)ko urtarrila
- 2011(e)ko abendua
- 2011(e)ko azaroa
- 2011(e)ko urria
- 2011(e)ko iraila
- 2011(e)ko abuztua
- 2011(e)ko uztaila
- 2011(e)ko ekaina
- 2011(e)ko maiatza
- 2011(e)ko apirila
- 2011(e)ko martxoa
- 2011(e)ko otsaila
- 2011(e)ko urtarrila
- 2010(e)ko abendua
- 2010(e)ko azaroa
- 2010(e)ko urria
- 2010(e)ko iraila
- 2010(e)ko abuztua
- 2010(e)ko uztaila
- 2010(e)ko ekaina
- 2010(e)ko maiatza
- 2010(e)ko apirila
- 2010(e)ko martxoa
- 2010(e)ko otsaila
- 2010(e)ko urtarrila
- 2009(e)ko abendua
- 2009(e)ko azaroa
- 2009(e)ko urria
- 2009(e)ko iraila
- 2009(e)ko abuztua
- 2009(e)ko uztaila
- 2009(e)ko ekaina
- 2009(e)ko maiatza
- 2009(e)ko apirila
- 2009(e)ko martxoa
- 2009(e)ko otsaila
- 2009(e)ko urtarrila
- 2008(e)ko abendua
- 2008(e)ko azaroa
- 2008(e)ko urria
- 2008(e)ko iraila
- 2008(e)ko abuztua
- 2008(e)ko uztaila
- 2008(e)ko ekaina
- 2008(e)ko maiatza
- 2008(e)ko apirila
- 2008(e)ko martxoa
- 2008(e)ko otsaila
- 2008(e)ko urtarrila
- 2007(e)ko abendua
- 2007(e)ko azaroa
- 2007(e)ko urria
- 2007(e)ko iraila
- 2007(e)ko abuztua
- 2007(e)ko uztaila
- 2007(e)ko ekaina
- 2007(e)ko maiatza
- 2007(e)ko apirila
- 2007(e)ko martxoa
- 2007(e)ko otsaila
- 2007(e)ko urtarrila
- 2006(e)ko abendua
- 2006(e)ko azaroa
- 2006(e)ko urria
- 2006(e)ko iraila
- 2006(e)ko abuztua
- 2006(e)ko uztaila
- 2006(e)ko ekaina
- 2006(e)ko maiatza
- 2006(e)ko apirila
- 2006(e)ko martxoa
- 2006(e)ko otsaila
- 2006(e)ko urtarrila
- 2005(e)ko abendua
- 2005(e)ko azaroa
- 2005(e)ko urria
- 2005(e)ko iraila
- 2005(e)ko abuztua
- 2005(e)ko uztaila
- 2005(e)ko ekaina
- 2005(e)ko maiatza
- 2005(e)ko apirila
- 2005(e)ko martxoa
- 2005(e)ko otsaila
- 2005(e)ko urtarrila
- 2004(e)ko abendua
- 2004(e)ko azaroa
Oso aplikazio interesgarria iruditzen zait, are gehiago zuk egindako probak ikusita. Ziur naiz historia kontuetan nola edo hala mugitzen garenok aplikazio hori erabiltzeko aukera bat baino gehiago aurkituko ditugula.
International beta version of new social community now online in USA and UK- connects people with shared memories
Cologne / Berlin, Oktober 03. 2007 After five weeks of testing in Germany, France and the Netherlands, memoloop’s open beta version is now offering users in Uk and the USA a totally new community concept. Once registered at users can post memos (complete with text, pictures, drawings or videos) relating to memories of their own past.
Creator and founder Florian Wagner: “We are permanently leaving our marks. Together with others we shortly populate and vitalize places, before everyone continues to go about his or her business, unless we accidentally get to know each other. memoloop offers the chance to revisit these moments, to use the power of the past. The memoloop users create a landscape peppered with individual memories by posting their very own past. That’s what memoloop is all about: common experiences, a collective memory – a totally new way to connect within a community.”
Co-founder Carsten Paternack adds: “At memoloop users who have posted entries about the same place or time can contact each other. Thus memoloopers can be sure that they have at least one thing in common that they can talk about. Internationally we are starting with an open beta version, just like we did in Germany, because we are curious to see, how the community will evolve and who will find who and where. Memoloop broadens the horizon: Who was at this place, as well? What did they experience there? Why didn’t I notice? We find answers to these exciting questions. Mary for instance visited Paris at the same time as Alexander did. They sat in the same cafes. But they got to know each other years later in Hannover, Germany.”
About the founders
Florian Wagner, ex-manager of Gruner + Jahr (Bertelsmann) and the Verlagsgruppe Holtzbrinck, is shareholder of Licennium GmbH, a strategy agency focusing on brands and media in Cologne, Germany. The marketing manager came up with the idea to memoloop in November 2006. Wagner was fascinated by the idea how time as well as place factor into how people get to know each other. There had to be a way to outsmart these factors – the memoloop-idea was born.
Carsten Pasternack is an independent consultant for online marketing, data bases and CMS. Pasternack works online from Berlin and Barcelona.
Both got to know each other on June 1st, 2007. Three days later the decision to join forces and create memoloop was made.
About memoloop
memoloop is a social community which combines micro-blogging and geo-tracking. In the coming weeks additional features will be added to the site like i.e. mobile applications.
Press contact
André T. Voigt
M: +49 – 1577.2179047, Email: