2019ko beste ikerketa batek sardiniarren eta euskaldunen arteko antz genetikoa berretsi du.

Azken urte hauetan hainbat ikerketa egin dira sardiniarren ADNaz, eta guztiak mintzatu dira sardiniarren eta euskaldunen geneen arteko antz harrigarriaz. Hemen horietako batzuen berri. Ezagutzen dugun azkenak Population history from the Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia: An ancient DNA perspective (Marcus et al. 2019) du izenburua eta hainbat herrialdetako hogei genetistak sinatzen dute. Hemen eskuratu daiteke.

Pasarte bat kopiatu dugu:

“The history of gene flow into Sardinia is also relevant to understanding its relationship to the Basque populations of Iberia. Previous studies have suggested both present-day and ancient Basque individuals share a genetic connection with modern Sardinian individuals (Güntheret al., 2015; Chianget al., 2018). We detected a similar signal, with modern Basque having, of all modern samples, the largest pairwise outgroup-f3 with Sardinians in each of our time periods (Fig. 3). A plausible explanation arises from the observation that both Basque and Sardinians have remained relatively isolated since the Neolithic transition (e.g. see Olaldeet al., 2019, for novel aDNA evidence on the Basque). While both Basque and Sardinians have received some immigration, apparently from different sources, both populations also retained an exceptionally high fraction of EEF ancestry (e.g., Fig. 5). This shared ancestry component likely contributes to the high pairwise outgroup-f3 (Fig. 3) between Basque and Sardinians, and explains how both populations share a genetic affinity despite their geographic separation.”

Kategoria: Sailkatugabeak. Gorde lotura.

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