Chang Chun II


Kaixo denoi:

Dagoeneko egin ditut 3 aste Chang Chun-en, aurreko astebukaeran Puyi izeneko emperadorean jauregian egon ginen, izatez hau Bertolucciren “El Ultimo Emperador” da. Berau Beijing en jaio zen, baina komunismoarengandik ihesi iparrera etorri zen eta 18 urtetan bertan egon zen, Japoniarren babespean Enperadore moduan, naiz eta ez zeukan inungo botere realik, Japoniarrak agintzen zuten.

Ez da beste munduko gauza jauregia, orain dela 100 urteko gauzak bait dira, gure amonen baserrietan zeuden trasto zahar mordo bat besterik ez.

Bertan Japoniarrek eginiko inbasioari buruzko museo bat ere badau, bertan Japoniarrak eginiko sarraskiak ikusi eta Txinatar erresistentzia goraipatzen da, garaileak idazten du betik historia…

Ondo ibili


9 iruzkin “Chang Chun II” bidalketan

  1. Anonimoa

    i cannot read your words , neither can i see the picture, but i know you are talking about your experience in changchun mostly about japanese aggression towards china .  

  2. Eneko Iturbe Galdos

    Very good Jin. I can see that finally you can see the blog. The link to the other pictures is not working? When you can, come to the machine, so I will give you the pictures and video from yesterday dinner.

  3. Anonimoa

    I’m wriring in my hometown inner mongolia,hoho.i  hope your work with Xue is going on well hehe. Does Antonio return to Changchun?  JINGJING

  4. Eneko Iturbe Galdos

    Hi Jin:

    How are you? Sure you have a good time with your family and friends.

    Antonio is already in Chang Chun. And the work is going quit good. I hope we will finish on time.

    See you soon


  5. Anonimoa

    Hello Enecko

          today I went to the hometown of my father with my family members. I feel so tired ,haha. I will also go home on time. See you then.

         Say hello to Antonio for me.


  6. Anonimoa

    I wrote to you e-mail address. If you can see it, please remember to write me back ,haha. thank you.

                                                         Best wishes


  7. Eneko Iturbe Galdos

    Hi Jin:

    How are you? I got your e-mail, and I wrote you back. We finish our work here, but we are waiting for the acceptance signature…

    I hope we will get it soon.

    See you soon



Utzi erantzuna Anonimoa(r)i Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude